Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Facebooking divorce ... Think again before clicking share

Tweeting Divorce in the Digital Age: The Perils of Text Messaging today got us to thinking about Anonymous' comment on "Sharing the Not-So-Good News".

How some men and women are using social media to communicate about their divorce is horrifying. What are they thinking? Yes, they are hurt and mad. But the immediate gratification and perceived fulfillment of "oh I'm going to get them" is not the answer, and can be fraught with peril. Step back from the keyboard! Wall posts and photos can become a gold mine to opposing counsel (even the deleted ones can be found ... see "Facebook and Divorce: Airing the Dirty Laundry").

Changing your relationship status to "It's Complicated"? If your divorce is definite, why not make the update and enable your friends to send (and you to receive) some supportive messages. Take deeper communications off line, remembering Anonymous' request and words: "plueeze spare us non-inner circle acquaintances the gory details! It is nobody elses business. This is a private matter that requires manners of discretion".

Perhaps we are old fashioned, but what ever happened to writing in a journal, talking on the phone or visiting with someone in person?

Remember Hill Street Blues? DVJ borrowing the words of Sgt.Phil Esterhaus "Hey... Let's be careful out there".

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