What compels me to type his name in the search bar and click on the magnifying glass?
This happens about once a year, usually around our wedding anniversary (about 1 month before the holiday season starts).
While hitting the letters to spell his name, the little voice in my head said "why are you doing this & what are you looking for?" The little voice's meek-ish response is "oh ... I just wonder what he's up to?". My brain tells me that just ain't so.
My divorce has been final for over 7 years. With my ex living thousands of miles away, some would consider me "fortunate". As for our marital friends, they fell into the inevitable "his" or "hers" bucket.
Is this internet search really only idle curiosity? Or was it something else? My casual nosiness was satisfied in less than 30 minutes, but the time could have been used to paint my nails, balance my checkbook, have a glass of wine, watch an episode of any one of The Real Housewives, catch up with a friend (in other words half an hour of something far more personally fulfilling). So why this? Why now?
There wasn't anything specific I was hoping or dreading finding. What popped up? Links to profiles on those business contact sites (LinkedIn, Jigsaw, etc ....), a recent announcement of a new position in the same industry, and a picture from a work event. Absent were the cringes, deep breaths, and expletives one would expect with thoughts that the photo could be with the "new one".
So what propelled me to do this? Let me ask you ... Are you competitive with your ex? Just the tiniest bit? Come on! The little short lived boost that comes with "I have a better life than her/him" feels good. For less than 30 minutes, I took solace knowing his career had not leapfrogged mine. Plus, our wedding announcement was the 4th item on the Google search of him and the 6th item on mine .... So my current life is far more fantastic and internet news worthy than his. That's a joke!!! Laugh please!!!!
Am still wondering what caused me to ask a browser what my ex is up to. From time to time, perhaps we should re-visit our past to be grateful for what we have in the present, and pat ourselves on the back for the progress we've made in the face of all of the challenges.
For men and women asking how long it takes to get over their marriage/divorce, take a look at me. Seven years out, and it hasn't totally gone away. Honestly, marriage/divorce is too significant to disappear. The emotional effort does become smaller and less charged. In my case, coming up just once per year for less than 30 minutes.
How often, and how long, do you allow yourself to think about your ex?
I believe this may be a gender thing. I have zero interest ipeeking in on my ex wife, but do know many divorced women who like to keep tabs on ex hubbies. I dont know of ex hubbies to show this behavior either.
Personally, I think its a waste of time and energy; there is no benefit to my existence. No satisfaction to an emotional itch either. Perhaps after time has cured history to be more palitable to me, I will check in to see how she's doing, but I highly doubt a competitive urge will make me do it.
There is certainly no competitive drive there at all right now, altho my living better now than then does provide a smidge of smug satisfaction. Competition to me denotes a sport, and with her it's nolo contendre. Like clubbing seals, some people call it sport, but to me its just not fair play.
Why am I so disconnected? It's prob bc I dont need to compare myself to anyone else to be happy, certainly not her. It is a very good place to be self sufficient for ones happiness.
My life is better with current honey in it than without her, so my energy is concentrated on building that relationship. Why would I deviate my focus to allow old baggage get in the way of a happy me and a sustainfully happy us?
You are a stalker and you need help...
Hi Anonymous! Yeah it could be a mars/venus kinda thing with women being more data collectors. Thanks for bringing this up! djv
Anonymous … Stalker? Really? We want to hear from others, so take the poll just posted here. Have you ever googled your ex? djv
Once a year does not make one a stalker. KA
I'm a woman, and I don't know any woman who doesn't google their ex. I don't think we're stalkers, I think sometimes we're masochistic or hopeful. We have a need to know, for whatever reason, that they're either doing better than us, or worse. I don't know why. But, needing that information seems very natural to us.
I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at www.saveabreakup.com I totally recommend this site, saveabreakup.com helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...
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