Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Museum of Broken Relationships. What would you donate?

Did anyone else see the article "A Poignant Trail of Broken Hearts, All on Display?".

It sure grabbed this djv-er's attention. Why? Well blogging about what comes up with divorce puts you on a heightened alert to these things. So that's the obvious one. Not so obvious may be my absolute dedication to removing items from my life that have bad relationship mojo (or at minimum storing them far out of site). For me, extraction of all ended relationship items that bring about a negative response (or just not liking them) is the way to go.

After reading the article this djv-er started thinking about what she could donate that would make an interesting "exhibit". A quick tour of the house, 2 wedding presents (a pitcher and wine opener that both get frequent unemotional use) were found as well as some necklace beads that my ex-husband gave me for Christmas. No emotions attached there - perhaps because they are the small part of a larger collection. Don't feel the need to part with these, and they don't really seem "exhibit" worthy.

Intrigued by the commentary from their
"The Museum of Broken Relationships is an art concept which proceeds from the assumption that objects possess integrated fields - ‘holograms’ of memories and emotions ... The Museum offers every individual the chance to overcome the emotional collapse through creation - by contributing to the Museum's collection"
My quest to find something continued. There must be one item at least.

A little more time pondering, and indeed an item was found. Knitting needles. NO there is no evidence of them being used to inflict harm, and interestingly enough they are not associated with my ex husband. During college a girlfriend started knitting. The idea of making something was intriguing and she assured me that it wasn't "that hard". So off we went to the knitting store to pick up the supplies to create a Nordic sweater. After a few lessons the body and arms of a sweater took shape. Who would the "lucky" recipient be? My boyfriend at the time. What a wonderfully thoughtful Christmas present, right? Too bad he did one of those dropped off the face of the planet things before Christmas. The sweater ended up going to my aunt (well not really my aunt, but you get the idea) to get it out of my living space. To this day it's unclear what ultimately happened to the sweater, and this is the first time that the thought has come up. This djv-er did make 3/4 of another sweater, but hasn't picked up the needles since.

So it's time for the knitting needles to go. The description/story could be something like:
The knitting needles used to make my first sweater. It was intended as a gift, but he was gone before it was wrapped.

It still doesn't hold a candle to the
leg prosthesis donated by a war veteran who fell in love with his physiotherapist.

Would you donate? What would it be? And what about the description?

Let us know. We love hearing from you!


Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Valentine's Day (a/k/a VD) 2010

To this member of djv this is the worst of the "holidays". A little too cheesy and too forced for my taste. Over the years it hasn't mattered what my relationship status is when February 14th rolls around, Valentine's Day isn't especially exciting. Would someone help me understand the need to assign a specific day around the US when we show our love for someone. Isn't this something that people are doing more than once per year? Please don't get me wrong. Romance and love are fantastic. However, do we really need to be assaulted by Hallmark, See's and FTD about how to show that special someone that we really care?

For 2010 this djv-er is going to try looking at Valentine's Day from a different perspective (or at least write and speak about it differently). So here goes...

If you read the post from New Year's Eve (2009 is almost over, and 2010 is looking bright!", you remember that one thing this djv-er wanted to accomplish in 2010 was to take an improv class. Well .... I did it. Level 0 (a/k/a The Joy of Improv) for four weeks at The PIT (Peoples Improv Theatre). What an amazing experience with a wonderful group of fascinating and talented folks.

One of the "games" you play in improv class is called "Yes! And". Essentially a person comes out, makes a statement, and their partner has to "yes" it (enthusiastically accept the statement/take it on so to speak), and add something positive to take it up a notch.

While thinking about how to write about VD, it dawned on me ... Let's "Yes! And" it.

You're divorced/single on Valentine's Day. "Yes! And" ....

  1. Sticking to my diet is virtually guaranteed without the temptation of milk chocolate stuffed with caramel

  2. There's time for the next quest in World of Warcraft

  3. My hair will love a time out from gel mousse and the blow dryer

  4. What a great time to start that novel I have wanted to read

  5. Performance anxiety? What performance anxiety?

  6. My friends will come over to help me install shelving (courtesy of Jeff from improv class)

Give it a try! What would your "Yes! And" be for I'm divorced/single on Valentine's Day? Let us know. We'd love to hear from you!
